Jane Austen’s books

What book could you read over and over again?

Photo by Tiana from Pexels

This question goes straight to my heart!

Books are dear to me and although the title says Jane Austen, there’s so many books that I could name!

I’ve read some of Jane Austen’s books more than once. Currently, I’m reading Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon, for the third time!

But these are not the only books I like or that I’ve read more than once. My list is extensive, and include: The twilight saga books, The adventures of Sherlock Holmes, You can heal your life by Louise Hay, The game of life and how to play it by Florence Scovel Shinn, Super Attractor by Gabby Bernstein, Atomic Habits by James Clear….

I could go on, and this is only the list of books I’ve already read at least twice!

The list of books I want to read again is even bigger!

Only when we read a book more than once do we realize the amount of detail we overlooked the first time! Plus, reading a second time allows us to “connect the dots” we have missed!

If you like to read I strongly encourage you to read books more than once. If you don’t like to read, try reading again a book that you’ve enjoyed before. You will probably dicover that it’s more fun than you thought!