Can You Guess?

What’s your dream job?

Photo by Dominika Roseclay

Full-Time Writer.

Could you tell?

As impossible as it may be right now, that’s my dream! And this is a dream that I know will come true! Even if only when I retire from my full-time job! That’s what I want to do until my last day!

Interviewer: “At 83, you are still publishing a book every year. Can you see yourself ever slowing down?”
Atwood: “What is this word “ever”? Yes, there’s a ticking clock. You may have noticed. But you keep on until you’re finished, you know? Until you don’t have anything more to say or do. Lying on the beach has never been my idea of a good time. Writers don’t stop, they just keep going like the Energizer Bunny; keep going and then fall over.”

– Margaret Atwood, in The Guardian

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