Fake it till you make it!

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on Pexels.com

“Fake it till you make it”, is an expression that means “Act as if”!

I’ve never heard this expression until I came across a video from a TED talk (you’ll be reading a lot about their videos in this blog) where a social psychologist, Amy Cuddy, says that doing this can have an impact on our chances of success!

In my country we have this saying that if you tell a lie too often it will become true. We use this saying to discourage people (kids mostly) using lies.

For me this new sentence “Fake it till you make it” it’s a positive one! If you want something so badly, you can fake you already have it, and you’ll end up having it! And I believe we can use this, not only for things but also for confidence, to achieve an optimistic mindset!

If we fake it, consistently, it will affect how others see us and, at some point, we won’t be faking anymore, so it will affect how we’re seeing ourselves!

I highly recommend you to see this Ted Talk, with Amy Cuddy, to have a better understanding of what I’m trying to explain here!

 Fake it until you make it!

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